Real Property Sales: Know Your Options

Real Property Sales: Know Your Options (Option Contracts, Rights of First Refusal, and Rights of First Offer) By: Kyla Rowe California attorneys assisting clients with real property sales should be aware of the types of option contracts their clients may encounter. Read on for an overview of the most common types of option contracts, and … Continued

Trustees and Beneficiaries Beware

Trustees and Beneficiaries Beware: Think Twice Before Modifying an Irrevocable Trust By: Christina M. Chan Under section 6110(i)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, a Chief Counsel Advice memorandum (“CCA”) is a term used to describe written advice or instruction issued by the Service or the Office of Chief Counsel to field offices concerning the IRS’ … Continued

Navigating CEQA Exemptions in California with CEB

Navigating CEQA Exemptions in California with CEB The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), a cornerstone of environmental law in the state, mandates a thorough environmental review of projects to assess and mitigate their impacts. Navigating CEQA’s comprehensive requirements can be daunting for projects of all sizes, making the understanding and application of CEQA exemptions a … Continued

A Comprehensive Guide to Real Estate Law in California

Navigating the Golden State: A Comprehensive Guide to Real Estate Law in California California real estate law encompasses a broad range of regulations and statutes that govern the ownership, use, and transfer of real property within the state. This expansive area of law covers aspects such as property rights, real estate transactions, land use and … Continued

California Affordable Housing Updates

California Affordable Housing Updates: What Lawyers Need to Know Now California land use and municipal law attorneys: we see you. You’ve got your work cut out keeping up with the state’s ever-evolving patchwork of affordable housing regulations. It almost seems as if California launches new statutes and initiatives aimed at solving its housing crisis on … Continued

Understanding California’s Brown Act

Understanding California’s Brown Act: A Guide to Open Government California’s Brown Act, a key piece of legislation promoting transparency and accountability in local government, plays a crucial role in ensuring that the actions and deliberations of public bodies are open and accessible to the public. This guide delves into the Brown Act, exploring its significance, … Continued