Real Property Institute: CEQA Workshop
Live Webinar | Friday, September 22, 2023 | Must be a CLEPassport holder

From the people who brought you the leading treatise on the California Environmental Quality Act, a one-day livestream workshop covering the latest CEQA analysis and developments.


5 hours of CEQA-specific MCLE

CEB knows CEQA – just ask the California Supreme Court, who cites our CEQA practice guide more than any other. We currently have nearly twelve hours of CEQA-specific MCLE credit, and we’re adding five more with this workshop.


CEB Forum Access

We strive to create California-specific sophisticated CLE content, and the Real Property Institute is no different. Our content often sparks high-level nuanced conversations, and we’ve now created a space where those conversations can be continued and shared.


Exclusive to CLEPassport Holders

Our CLEPassports just got more valuable, without raising the price. Now you can get unlimited on-demand access to our entire CLE library with over 700 programs AND access to our live workshop events, starting with this one.

Schedule of Sessions

*Schedule, sessions, & speakers subject to change

9:00 am – 10:00 am
Streamlining CEQA for Housing Developments
Caroline Guibert Chase | Allen Matkins
Christopher Elmendorf | UC Davis School of Law
Daniel Golub | Holland & Knight
Kristy Weis | David J Powers & Associates
Christopher Burt | Cox, Castle & Nicholson

Explore the pivotal role of lead agencies in shaping CEQA thresholds, the scope of agency discretion in projects with limited discretion, and the latest trends employed by lead agencies to streamline housing while effectively determining significant or less-than-significant impacts. Stay up-to-date with the evolving landscape of CEQA in this engaging discussion with Caroline Chase, Christopher Elmendorf, Daniel Golub, Kristy Weis, and Chris Burt as they delve into the intricacies of streamlining CEQA for housing developments, with a laser focus on the essential CEQA streamlining mechanisms.

10:15 am – 11:15 am
Land Use and CEQA Litigation
Whitney Hodges | Sheppard Mullin
Amanda Monchamp | Monchamp Meldrum LLP
Hina Gupta | Downey Brand LLP
Josh Chatten-Brown | Chatten-Brown Law Group

Stay ahead of the curve in land use and CEQA litigation in this in-depth exploration of pivotal cases shaping the landscape of land use and CEQA litigation, including Make UC a Good Neighbor v. Regents of University of California, Lucas v. City of Pomona, East Oakland Stadium Alliance v. City of Oakland, as well as pending CEQA litigation related to housing. Elevate your legal expertise in this conversation with Whitney Hodges, Amanda Monchamp, Josh Chatten-Brown, and Hina Gupta as they discuss the broader implications of some key cases from the past year and their implications.

11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Hot Topics in CEQA
Ryan Waterman | Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Jennifer Hernandez | Holland & Knight
Matt Henderson | Miller Starr Regalia
Alisha Winterswyk | Best Best & Krieger LLP
Suzanne Varco | Environmental Law Group

Dive into the intersection of climate change and California’s climate response, dissect the challenges posed by wildfires and housing developments, and examine the role of agencies in addressing social justice under CEQA with this panel of expert attorneys. Join Ryan Waterman, Jennifer Hernandez, Matt Henderson, Alisha Winterswyk, and Suzanne Varco in this dynamic and informative session as they unravel the hottest topics in CEQA right now, including the complexities of noise ordinances, social gatherings, and their relationship with CEQA as well as the implications of AB52 on tribal consultation in development projects and innovative developer tools.

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Cumulative Impacts: Analysis, Discretion and Concerns
Stephanie Smith | Grid Legal
Doug Carstens | Carstens, Black & Minteer LLP
Ashley Werner | Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability
Jennifer Ganata | Communities for a Better Environment
Andrea Contreras | Law Offices of Andrea Contreras

Take your understanding of CEQA to the next level and unravel the complexities of cumulative impacts under CEQA. Dive into the intersection of housing, land use, and environmental justice and explore topics such as the unique challenges posed by warehouses and industrial assessments, density overlap with Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) impact, air quality concerns, and the critical analysis of climate change, including greenhouse gases and wildfire considerations in determining cumulative impacts. Join Stephanie Smith, Doug Carstens, Jennifer Ganata, Ashley Werner, and Andrea Contreras for this advanced program and sharpen your skills in navigating the intricate world of CEQA and cumulative impacts.

2:45 pm – 3:45 pm
What Experienced CEQA Litigators Should Know: Administration Records, Procedural Issues, and Oral Argument
Linda Klein | Cox, Castle & Nicholson
Arthur Coon | Miller Starr Regalia
Winter King | Shute, Mihaley & Weinberger LLP
Elisa Tolentino | Office of the City Attorney, San Jose

Are you ready to take your CEQA litigation skills to the next level? Explore the nuances of record requests, NOD compliance, service requirements, and statutes of limitations while gaining valuable insights into the critical strategies and pitfalls that can make or break a CEQA case. Elevate your expertise and hear from experienced litigators Linda Klein, Arthur Coon, and Winter King as they discuss strategies for oral arguments, tentative rulings, and researching judges in this program designed to sharpen your edge in the world of California Environmental Quality Act litigation.